By Eli Hernandez
Maintaining Divine Operation
A Study for Youth and Young Adults
Oftentimes, young people and adults desire spiritual connectivity without the understanding of how to get there. Going to powerful events and experiencing contagious moves of God’s presence excites and enlightens us, but then, we find ourselves at a standstill. Where do we go from here?
In “Maintaining Divine Operation,” Eli Hernandez addresses many of the struggles that young people and adults experience when trying to maintain a deeper, daily connection to the spirit world. He highlights the importance of maintaining one’s spiritual soil and keeping oneself connected through prayer, humility, and love.
Author. Preacher. Prophet.
Eli Hernandez
Eli Hernandez was an evangelist and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For over thirty years, his ministry affected many individuals across the United States of America and the world. He witnessed countless miracles and operated in the gifts of the Spirit, imparting, and prophesying wherever he went. He resided in Las Vegas, NV with his wife and daughter and traveled weekly to churches across the globe. In 2020, he passed away during COVID-19, but his legacy continues to affect those who desire a deeper relationship with God.
¡Somos Bilingües!
Un Mundo Más Allá De Las Estrellas
El reino espiritual con frecuencia, se percibe como vasto y de difícil acceso. Pero en realidad, no está tan lejos como creemos. Si este increíble mundo está tan cerca de nosotros, ¿por qué no lo querríamos acceder?
Creativo o Reaccionario
Algo ha sucedido … Las nubes pesadas han hallado manera de cómo entrar una vez más en tu vida. Aprovechando la situación, el enemigo ha lanzado una distracción en medio de ti. A medida que las cosas se salen fuera de control, te preguntas: ¿Qué debo hacer ahora?
Manteniendo La Operación Divina
A menudo, los jóvenes y los adultos desean conectividad espiritual sin la comprensión de cómo llegar allí. Asistir eventos poderosos y experimentar movimientos contagiosos de la presencia de Dios nos animan e iluminan, pero después, nos encontramos en un punto muerto. ¿A dónde le damos a partir de allí?
“Prepare to learn, laugh, cry, think, and most of all, pray. You will access into a pure soil that is straight from heaven. Don’t take this one for granted.”